Matisse Workshop!

Taught a workshop last weekend called "Painting with Scissors"-which ties into the wonderful show going on now at the Montclair Art Museum. If you are a Matisse fan, you MUST go! In addition to many originals, the show also has numerous works of artists who were inspired by Matisse. So gorgeous! 

We had a great group and I was so impressed with what each person created! And of course, I just had to take a group pic! :)


Every year my friends and I gather to paint eggs. I usually do my standard pink and green florals but this year, I decided to mis it up. I had fun, but since I ruined more than half my eggs in the boiling process, I only had a few to decorate. I went with the animal theme--in gouache--which wasn't the best of ideas. They were a gummy mess after a night in the fridge.

Carpe Diem!

Spring is finally hitting here in the Northeast. Temps in the 60s yesterday. First patio outing! :)