creative play

I always feel a little sad when a book project wraps up. I had my head down all winter working on the picture book for Little, Brown. Aside from some color tweaks and minor revisions, it’s all done. I’m not great with too much unstructured free time so I have been taking on different creative pursuits. One is to just paint for the sake of painting vs. for publication. (Code: messy!!!) First up? Crayons! :) I find that getting lost in one creative project often sparks ideas for another. I’ve been writing a new book so I keep my notebook nearby to scrawl when something comes to mind. Soon I will begin the dummy, once I figure out the main story.

Aside from that, lots of administrative things to complete. Luckily I already finished my taxes, but there are mailing list updates and file organizations ahead. Hmm, painting seems more fun…