observations-30+ days of isolation

I hope everyone is safe out there. This has been such a challenging time for so many. I still find it so difficult to grasp how aggressively this virus hit our nation. It’s truly shocking how we went from going about our lives freely and, at this point, almost ignorantly to what was coming. I remember hearing about this going on in China back in January and I wondered if something like that could ever make it stateside.

Throughout all of this, Have gone through a range of emotions as I have been alone for over a month now. As a self employed creative, it is not really that different than normal, but the difference is that at the end of the day I am still here. I have continued to throw myself into my work and keep up with my friends via Zoom. I take walks and marvel at Spring unfolding outside. I hug Boo a lot. I read and sketch. I challenge myself to taking on new creative goals. I’d like to come out of this-if I am lucky-on a brighter path.

The people in my life mean the world to me. I wonder at the end of all this, if it comes down to those who checked on you and those who didn’t. I will be reaching out to more people. I check in with lots of friends here and afar—but there are always more. Let’s hope we all get through this.


Tuning into Governor Cuomo’s press conferences each day has become a beacon of hope and pragmatism. He is the voice of reason—the straight shooter with a big heart for all those who are suffering. They have been running commercials and pairing images of healthcare and essential workers with his encouraging and loving words. I am including the original speech here. I get teary whenever I hear it. He is absolutely amazing. Please be safe everyone.