on summer...

I truly don’t know how summer went so quickly this year. I’ve always enjoyed this season so much. I am a true Pisces and love anything to do with water! So I typically spend my days swimming in either the pool or the ocean, writing, reading and spending as much time outdoors as possible! Publishing is always slow in summer so I make the waiting as fun as I can!

But July started off with terrible sadness and the loss of a dear friend. I am still processing it, so I won’t write much more at the moment. Suffice it to say, we must be grateful for each day we have and live our lives as fully as possible. This is yet another reminder to let go of things that have hurt you or held you back. We are not guaranteed tomorrow.

On a lighter note, I got some good news that I will share as soon as it is official. I am taking some creative risks and pursuing some new projects, which keeps me on my toes! I love to mix it up! :)
