first snow...

There was a lot of excitement over the weekend about a big storm coming through the area. I was out that day, but it began to snow around 3pm. I watched it coming down and still felt that excitement I had when I was a kid. Back then it mean a chance that school would be closed, but now it’s more about the quiet that snow brings. It coats everything in this gorgeous, pristine white. I drove home around dusk and snapped these photos. I love how blue the light is at that hour.

holiday fun...

Well, after weeks of being sick, the holidays arrived. They went fast but I had fun with my family this Christmas. We went to dinners, played games at night, laughed a lot and I even joined my niece on the trampoline (and lived to tell it…lol) I always love seeing Finnegan the Bijon. Boo got jingle bells and her own ornament. Pictured below is my sister in law’s amazing charcuterie tray. There were two dishes of olives…YUM!

a stroll through Chelsea...

Last week I clocked 15k steps walking around Chelsea in Manhattan. So many of my fave places have closed down. Bummer. I found a great typewriter store though. Hit some fun holiday markets in Chelsea Market and had delicious sushi tacos for lunch. Then a great walk with my friend down the Highline where it suddenly began to snow. Felt like a little Christmas miracle. (Stopped after three minutes.) Anyway, I always feel so inspired by the city. Need to go in more like I used to!

NYC, Chelsea, kristine lombardi, Chelsea market, toys, flowers, tacos

sweet boo...

At the top of my gratitude list (always) is my sweet little calico rescue Boo. She is the kindest little creature and probably the most social cat I’ve ever witnessed. She runs to the door to greet everyone–FedEx drivers included, hangs out with friends when they visit, sits by my side while I work and just generally makes each day special. Cheers to sweet Boo! my little funny face.